After more than a decade in the making, the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) finally rolled out the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) this March. Fulfilling a major goal of the Trusted Workforce 2.0 initiative, DISS has emerged to replace the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) as the Department of Defense’s security clearance and access database, solving many problems along the way.

Getting here has not been an easy task: since the first DISS trials, the system has faced numerous delays and setbacks. After announcing that it would replace JPAS by the end of December 2020, DCSA delayed the rollout once again, and there were still issues that needed to be resolved after the March 2021 release.

Diss Clearance
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However, DCSA has run its course, and – after receiving two major updates over a seven-month period – the new database has finally achieved greater stability than JPAS. Looking back, it’s worth considering the history of DISS, how it has improved DoD’s clearance process, and what’s next for Trusted Workforce 2.0 reforms.

Ambitions of DISS

When DISS was proposed in the late 2000s, DoD had been relying on JPAS for several years. But as a system of record developed in the 1990s, JPAS was beginning to show signs of age, and it directly contributed to a backlog of background investigations that peaked at 725,000 cases in April 2018. arrived at

In April 2019, DISS became a key component of Trusted Workforce 2.0, a plan by the newly formed DCSA to reduce the clearance backlog and modernize the background investigation process. In addition to supporting the Continuous Evaluation (CE) model for cleared personnel, DISS will support:

  • Access to role-based information
  • Better security features and less risks
  • Automatic notifications and alerts
  • Better documentation

And many other features are missing from JPAS. It was an ambitious vision – but achieving it would require ingenuity and problem-solving.

A dirt road

When it was first tested several years ago, DISS was still a prototype that suffered from some of the same problems as its predecessor, which pushed back its official rollout. For a while, the two systems coexisted, causing occasional conflicts: for example, DoD contractors with top secret clearance in one agency could lose that clearance if their SCI access was changed to one. be canceled by a separate agency.

In 2020, the new rollout date (December 31) was pushed back again, with the determination that: “Not all functionality required for a full transition from JPAS has been established in DISS”. In February 2021, DCSA worked diligently to improve the database, eliminating “known concerns” such as error messages and compatibility issues with some web browsers.

Promises fulfilled

Ultimately, DCSA’s hard work has paid off: DISS has achieved steady performance, successfully replacing JPAS and delivering on many of its promises along the way. Here are just a few:

Continuous Evaluation – Almost all DoD clearance holders have moved to a continuous evaluation model, which has many advantages: not only will it reduce time-consuming, periodic reinvestigations, but it will also protect the safety of cleared personnel. It will also increase the quality of Eliminate insider threats based on early warning signs.

Reduction in Clearance Backlog – Thanks to the overall efficiency of DISS and all the time saved through continuous evaluation, the clearance backlog has been virtually eliminated by this year, ensuring that the government can process new clearances. Can take timely action.

Modernization – Implementation of DISS has forced government agencies to replace aging technologies and consolidate information systems, leading to improved security against cyber threats. While there is still progress to be made, this is a step in the right direction.

The future of a reliable workforce

While important, DISS is only one part of a larger project: Trusted Workforce 2.0 won’t be fully implemented until 2023, by which time the Pentagon has expanded its categories of data collected during background checks. will provide for terrorism, foreign travel, financial activity, criminal activity, credit reports, public records and agency-specific eligibility criteria.

Until then, DCSA also plans to integrate all approvals into a single information system that will make it easier for agencies to quickly check personnel check data. In a time of increased threat from insider threats and foreign cyber actors, these are the reforms America needs to enhance its security standards and protect classified information. With the successful implementation of DISS, we are moving in the right direction.

The Defense Information System for Security (DISS) replaces the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS).

January 20, 2022

DISS is replacing the JPAS

Diss Is Replacing The Jpas
Everything About Diss Clearance 9

The year 2021 saw significant changes for Facility Security Officers (FSOs) and cleared individuals. After a 12-year wait, the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) has finally retired the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) in favor of the Defense Information System for Security (DISS). DISS is a web-based application that provides secure communication between security officers and decision makers that allows users to request, document and identify actions related to personnel security.

What is DISS, and why does it outperform JPAS?

JPAS was the Department of Defense’s (DOD) system for recording clearance eligibility determinations and access to classified information, top secret. A major shortcoming of JPAS was that the various systems within it (JAMS, JCAVS, and CATS) were not well coordinated. The Joint Adjudication Management System (JAMS), and the Joint Clearance and Access Verification System (JCAVS) measure some of the adjudication systems of records that were used within JPAS. These systems operated separately and DoD needed a system that could integrate these systems together.

DISS is the enterprise-wide answer to personnel security, suitability, and credential management for DoD military, civilians, and contractors. DISS integrates Case Adjudication Tracking System (CATS) and Joint Verification System (JVS).

The new system can add some support to security personnel, and the decision contour methods are:

  • DISS provides better and better communication between FSOs and decision-making agencies leading to faster and accurate reporting, and decision-making.
  • Along with clearance applications, organizations may also file supporting documents.
  • SF-312s will be eliminated by fax, improving the SF-312 workflow.
  • DISS leads to more secure organizations with fewer risks than JPAS.
  • Automated notifications and alerts as part of continuous assessment.

Unlike JPAS, DISS makes it easier for government agencies and their partners to access the system and quickly verify records, especially as the government moves to continuous evaluation (CE).

DISS as a family of systems

Rather than a single database, DISS is a family of systems designed to serve as a security system of records for all Department of Defense personnel, including military, government civilians, and contractors. This family of systems is called Scattered Castles.

Scattered Castles serves as a database used by the National Intelligence Community (IC) to record access to and access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) and various encrypted programs. These databases are distinctly different in many ways and appear to be unrelated. It is important for the security personnel to understand the variations and it is really valuable for the candidates to understand them as well. Scattered fortresses can be a closed system with limited access to security personnel and not electronically linked to JPAS.

National Intelligence Community Policy Steering 704.50 provides authority and baseline data related to fragmented fortifications. With the transition of JPAS to DISS, it will be easier to work out where security clearances reside when it involves the National Intelligence Community. Prior to the implementation of DISS, any security clearance issued by the IC will not be reflected in JPAS only if the clearance is subject to periodic reinvestigation, cross-over or evaluation, and standing in scattered forts. Searching for would be equally tedious.

JPAS was used exclusively in the DoD with many limitations, while DISS was used to manage records for personnel safety, fitness, and credentialing for all military, civilian, and Department of Defense (DoD) contractor personnel. will work as a system. It is a more advanced, web-based application, and provides secure communication. iQuasar believes that DISS meets its goal of improving interoperability, usability and timeliness of back-end processing. These improvements can put cleared professionals to work faster. It may also facilitate the transition of cleared population to new positions with other agencies.

iQuasar has a team of professionals who work directly with clients and their FSOs to verify or sponsor candidate approval through DISS.

Iquasar Company
Everything About Diss Clearance 10

There are modules for the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) Joint Verification System (JVS) training. These training modules describe roles, permissions and functions within DISS JVS as well as provide step-by-step processes for subject management, visit requests, clearance eligibility, suitability determinations, and more.

Module 1: Welcome to DISS

This module introduces the Defense Information System for Security (DISS) while providing an overview of the three components of the DISS framework and describing its many functions.

Module 2: Getting Started and Account Access

This module focuses on DISS system requirements, user role determination, and account setup. Upon completion of this course, you will be familiar with the requirements for obtaining a user account, the steps required to set up your user account, and the steps to log into the Joint Verification System (JVS).

Module 3: Navigation

This module focuses on navigating the control panel features within JVS. After completing this module, you will be able to define different role-dependent control panels, and use the features in each control panel.

Module 4: Subject Management

This module focuses on managing your subject record. Specifically, it will describe the process of locating, creating, and maintaining a subject record.

Module 5: Enabling Clearance and Providing Access

This module will focus on the various types of access that government and industry security officers may grant to the DISS JVS including mass subject indoctrination and S-C-I access. As an industrial user, you will learn how to identify the eligibility of an article and determine how and when to grant access.

Module 6: Application of Investigation

This module will focus on collecting and managing investigation requests. After completing this training module, you will be able to explain how Industry Security Officers and Industry Security Managers can create, collect and monitor the investigative application process.

Module 7: Suitability Determination for Non-Sensitive Positions and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD12)

This module will focus on the process of granting interim approval for non-sensitive positions based on a subject’s suitability or HSPD-12 compliance. It will also cover the process of withdrawal of interim decision and determination of field. Upon completion of this training module, as a DISS user with a component decision-making role, you will be able to define appropriateness and HSPD-12, define the three levels of investigation required for non-sensitive positions, and determine appropriateness in DISS. Will be able to follow the procedure of determination.

Module 8: View Applications

This module covers the steps to manage visit requests. Upon completion, you will be able to describe how to create, modify, send, receive, and accept visit requests.

Module 9: JVS System Reports

This module will provide an overview of the JVS reporting function and the various types of reports that can be accessed in JVS. After completing this training module, you will be able to describe the different types of JVS reports and how to create and read the reports.

Module 10: Incident Management

This module covers how to receive and submit incident reports. After completing this course, you will be able to determine how and when to send documents to the court facility.

Module 11: Removal of SMO ties and access to debriefing

This module gives you an understanding of debriefing and suspending access. Upon completion, you will be able to specify when and how to debrief and suspend access. Documents required for this action, and when to remove or change subject status.

Module 12: Customer Service Requests (CSRs)

This module explains how to complete and submit a CSR. After completing this course, you will have a better understanding of the various CSR options and the CSR submission process, and the appropriate steps for troubleshooting.

DISS serves

DISS serves as an enterprise-wide solution for personnel safety, suitability, and credential management for DoD military, civilian, and contractor personnel. DISS replaced the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) as the system of record on March 31, 2021. An innovative, web-based application, the platform provides secure communication between decision makers, security officers and constituents, allowing users to request, record, document, and identify personnel security actions.

 The DISS will be an integral step towards the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) platform currently being developed and the government’s plan to complete the workforce screening process known as Trusted Workforce 2.0. The comprehensive policy is in full implementation.

Operating Status:

  • Current status of DISS CATS: GREEN
  • Current DISS JVS Status: Green
  • Current DISS appeal status: Green


Green: The system is fully operational without any issues.

Yellow: The system is experiencing functionality issues or partial outages.

Red: System is down and users do not have access to the application.

Subsystem of DISS:

The Case Adjudication Tracking System (CATS) performs electronic and human adjudication functions, automatically securing records for security clearance, HSPD-12, military fitness, and suitability determinations.

The Joint Verification System (JVS) enables DoD professionals to document access to security clearances and verify eligibility determinations.

Appeals assists the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) and the Personnel Security Appeals Board (PSAB) in completing due process for subjects appealing a decision.

Did you know that the law gives you the right to a copy of your federal background investigation?

Or that the information the government keeps on you in its “DISS” (formerly “JPAS”) and Scattered Castles database is available for review?

Just sending a letter will give you an inside look at your case files: who was interviewed – and what they said about you. what records were searched – and what they showed; And, other items such as your investigative credit report.

Department of Defense employees and contractors can also request a copy of their Defense Information System for Security (DISS, formerly “JPAS”) file—the central location where DOD maintains security clearance records—for background checks. Incident reports filed against clearance holders, and any other derogatory information that may affect clearance. Intelligence agency employees and contractors can obtain the same information through the “Scattered Castles” database.

You can research on your own how to request this information, but that may require parsing dry government publications or navigating cumbersome government websites. Fortunately, we’ve done all the work for you. Simply select the relevant options below and receive an instant email with easy-to-follow instructions for pre-made information request letters. To protect your privacy, we do not collect any more personal information than is necessary to complete your PayPal transaction. Customers enter their information on the application letter(s) before submitting it directly to the relevant government agencies.

What the upcoming DISS/JVS and NISS rollouts mean.

DISS/JVS is set to replace the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS). The National Industrial Security System (NISS) will replace the Industrial Security Facility Database (ISFD) and the Electronic Facility Clearance System (e-FCL). We hear from many customers who are concerned about what these changes will mean for their business. In fact, this issue was recently discussed at our annual Security Awareness Fair.

Upcoming Diss/Jvs And Niss Rollouts Mean.
Everything About Diss Clearance 11

About NISS

NISS started its soft launch for Govt in September. Once fully implemented, NISS will be the system of record for submission of facility clearance information and initial FCL and change condition packages. Patches are currently being applied to fix technical issues within the system. NISS is expected to become fully operational on October 30. Once this happens, ISFD and e-FCL will no longer be available. Training for the new system will be provided for industry, government and DSS users.

NISS’ goal is to create an on-demand, data-driven environment with automated workflows for industry and government partners. NISS has multiple benefits including increased transparency for stakeholders, streamlined business processes, automated alerts, real-time data, simplified reporting, role-based access information and more.


DISS/JVS was designed to interface with information centers focused on continuous assessment and clearance eligibility information while mitigating internal threats. This system ensures increased communication between government agencies.

DISS/JVS is easy to use and makes it possible for intelligence agencies, Department of Homeland Security officials and law enforcement agencies to track critical information about insider threats, citizenship status and other relevant information and records. . The benefits of DISS/JVS include faster clearance processes, reduced security clearance risks, reduced processing times and support for shared information.

Smart Security Solutions

Industrial security integrators provide effective security solutions for infrastructure protection, information security, construction services and professional support services. We strive to exceed our customer’s expectations while maintaining an ethical and professional workplace and safety environment. We work directly with our clients to meet their security needs at a reasonable cost.

Unexpected glitches in DISS rollout affect non-DoD agencies.

DCSA, the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) launched its new Defense Information System for Security (DISS) to replace the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS). DISS is made up of the following three subsystems:

 The Case Adjudication Tracking System (CATS) performs electronic and human adjudication functions, automatically securing records for security clearance, HSPD-12, military fitness, and suitability determinations.

The Joint Verification System (JVS) enables DoD professionals to document access to security clearances and verify eligibility determinations.

Appeals assists the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) and the Personnel Security Appeals Board (PSAB) in completing due process for subjects appealing a decision.

major drawback

Most implementations have been successful, but a major drawback is affecting the safety of personnel in non-DoD agencies. Non-DoD agencies use the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Central Verification System (CVS) to verify investigation, decision, and security clearance information. Previously, JPAS fed DoD security information directly into CVS which enabled security experts to verify information to implement interoperability.

 The JPAS system was retired and went into read-only mode and will no longer feed into OPM’s CVS database. A communication breakdown between DISS and CVS has left hundreds of non-DoD contractor security support specialists and government security officials in trouble because they can no longer look at DoD clearance information to confirm current access or separation dates. Without this visibility it makes it impossible to apply interoperability standards, resulting in delays in granting access to federal facilities and systems.

Implementation of changes to maintain security clearance

Vandenberg Space Force Base, Calif. —

The process of maintaining security clearances has changed and the Information Protection Office is moving from periodic reinvestigations every five to 10 years to a continuous review program. This program protects the reliable workforce in real time and ultimately eliminates re-investigations. Information on 13 decision guidelines is now immediately reportable on standard Form 86.

Kelly Bates is the Personal Security Program Manager for the Space Launch Delta 30 Information Protection Office and works specifically with Personal Security. Bates also works directly with the Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudication Facility and collects reportable information in the form of incident reports through the Defense Information System for Security. DISS is a web-based application that provides secure communication between decision-makers and security officers that allows users to request, record, document and identify personnel security actions.

Continuous vetting

Continuous vetting involves regularly reviewing a cleared individual’s background to ensure they continue to meet eligibility requirements and continue to hold national security positions. Automated record checks pull data from criminal, terrorism, and financial databases as well as public records at any time during an individual’s eligibility period.

There are several ways to report information: self-report by the individual, directly from the unit commander or first sergeant, from DoD CAF and local law enforcement reports. Once the information is reported, the clearance is not immediately suspended or revoked by the DoD CAF. However, the unit commander may suspend access while documentation of the incident is being collected by the subject. DoD CAF is the sole authority for final decision on information.

  • “I handle all incident reporting, I deal directly with the DoD CAF and enter all security-related information into DISS, which is now the security clearance system of record,” Bates said. “We process incident reports, reinvestigate for secret and top secret clearances and submit fingerprints for any upgrades if someone is moving from a secret to a top secret position.”
  • Any information previously reported on the SF 86, during a reinvestigation that falls within the 13 decision guidelines, may now be immediately reported to the Unit Security Assistant. Some examples include: Unofficial foreign travel, foreign contacts, foreign activities, courtship/marriage to a foreign national, bankruptcy, failure to collect/pay taxes, traffic violations over $1,000, over $10,000 Infusion of excess assets, over 120 days of debt, any excess.
  • Enrollment in alcohol/drug or related treatment, any arrests or criminal conduct, apparent/suspected mental health issues, misuse of US government property or IT systems and any activity that would make an individual ineligible for the United States. Trust, reliability or loyalty are questioned.
  • “The sooner the information is reported and especially self-reported, I get to work directly with the individual and we get more time,” Bates said. “So the faster the information is reported, the more time I have to make sure they’re submitting a solid package to the DoD CAF.”

Continuous monitoring

Continuous monitoring identifies potential problems by raising red flags in the form of an incident report, which is not always negative. This process allows Bates to work directly with the unit, security assistant individual and DoD CAF to assemble a concrete response to submit for decision. If the issues are not mitigated, the DoD CAF will likely suspend or revoke clearance eligibility when the loyalty, trustworthiness, or reliability of a cleared individual is called into question.

“The bottom line, the main difference is all the information that used to be reported on the SF 86 every five or 10 years,” Bates said. “It will fall within 13 judicial guidelines which are now immediately reportable.”

Security Executive Agent Directives 3 and 4, which outline the 13 decision-making guidelines and reporting requirements, are available on the Director of National Intelligence’s website, and unit security assistants can also assist.

Alignment and interconnection

The rules governing alignment and correlation come into play. Established by Executive Order 13467, the alignment and coordination of decisions serves to ensure fair treatment of all federal employees and prevent costly duplication of effort across agencies.


Refers to consistent standards and practices used across federal agencies to ensure that all federal employees receive equal treatment regardless of which agency makes the decision.

Mutual co-ordination

Reciprocity is the mutual acceptance of suitability determinations by all government agencies, regardless of which agency issued the determination, as long as it meets or exceeds the suitability requirements of the new position.

Some agencies are unsure whether they need to defer to another agency’s clearance decision. However, there are various databases that agencies can use to determine whether they need to defer to another agency’s clearance decision, including:

OPM’s Central Verification System (CVS)

The Central Certification System, or CVS, is OPM’s central database that supports collaboration and information sharing within the federal government. CVS receives and maintains information on all types of investigations and decisions. Because multiple federal agencies use CVS, it is key to ensuring interoperability of previous investigations and decisions. Get real-time clearance updates from all Investigational Service Providers (ISPs) and Central Adjudicative Facilities (CAFs) to stay current.

Opm'S Central Verification System (Cvs)
Everything About Diss Clearance 12

 True collaboration within the security community. A system that can be checked by ISPs and CAFs as part of the investigation process to determine whether an individual has a current investigation and/or has ever been granted or denied a security clearance. has been revoked or revoked by another executive branch agency.

 Elimination of duplicate investigations on persons who have already been cleared. Before requesting an investigation, agencies should check the Central Verification System (CVS) to determine if there is an existing adjudication or investigation that meets the current requirement. CVS is designated as the primary tool to facilitate collaborative decisions, as required by executive orders, regulations, and policies. CVS includes information on determining national security, fitness and fitness and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) Personal Verification (PIV) credentials. This information is provided by agency sources, the OPM legacy system and the Department of Defense’s Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS).

Centralized authentication system

Department of Defense Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS)

DOD Security Clearance Eligibility Repository. JPAS = JAMS (Joint Adjudication Management System) + JCAVS (Joint Clearance and Access Verification System). JAMS is used by government civil servants such as Adjudicators. JCAVS primarily employs industrial personnel such as Facility Security Officers (FSOs). Most final security clearances are issued through Central Court Facilities or CAFs. There are approximately 120 federal CAFs that employ several hundred trained professional judges. DOD personnel security personnel use the Personnel Security Automated Information System, JPAS, to record all security clearance eligibility.

The Intelligence Community’s Scattered Fortress Database

The Intelligence Community'S Scattered Fortress Database
Everything About Diss Clearance 13

The U.S. Intelligence Community is a coalition of 17 agencies and organizations, including ODNI, within the executive branch that work independently and collaboratively to collect and analyze intelligence necessary to conduct foreign affairs and national security activities. she does. The other 16 are Army Intelligence, Navy Intelligence, Air Force Intelligence, Marine Corps Intelligence, Coast Guard Intelligence, State, Treasury, CIA, DEA, DHS, DIA, DOE, FBI, NGA, NRO and NSA.

Will my security clearance transfer from one agency to another?

The answer is, maybe. It all depends on who is the ‘losing’ agency and who is the ‘gaining’ agency.

All federal agencies that provide intelligence competence must recognize and accept investigations and security competences conducted by other branches of the federal government – provided those investigations meet the scope and standards required for the new position. get off Reciprocity applies to all federal government civilian employees, military personnel, and contractors. Government policy not only requires collaboration, but can save significant time and money. People will be able to start their new jobs immediately and their new agencies will not waste taxpayer dollars conducting expensive and unnecessary investigations.


To apply, an individual’s new position may not require more qualifications than he or she already possesses. In addition, the date of the individual’s last investigation must be within the required timeline and the current eligibility must not have been granted on an interim or temporary basis or through a condition, deviation or waiver. Finally, if the position has special access programs or SAP requirements, qualifications may be mutually acceptable but the specific program may not be able to grant access to SAP. Several policies provide more specific guidance on interoperability within DoD. Interoperability for DoD employees is outlined in DoD 5200.2-R and interoperability for DoD contractors is described in DoD 5220.22-M (NISPOM).

DOD employees

Personal security investigations for DoD employees must be mutually acceptable as long as the investigation is in scope and the employee has had no more than a 24-month break in military service or federal employment.

DoD contractor

For contractor employees, pre-existing Personal Security Clearances, or PCLs, must be accepted, provided the PCL investigation meets or exceeds the scope requirements for the new position, any new convictions about the employee. The information is not misleading, and eligibility was given without condition, deviation, or waiver.

In addition to national security decisions (classified access eligibility), mutual HSPD-12 Common Access Card or CAC also applies to credentialing and fitness and fitness decisions. As established by E.O. 13467, previous suitability determinations must be mutually accepted, as long as they meet or exceed the suitability requirements for the new position. Requests for mutual acceptance of qualifications are processed at the DoD Consolidated Adjudications Facility or DOD CAF. Reciprocal applications are usually processed within two days. Eligibility determinations for DoD employees must also be accepted, as long as there is no new derogatory information about the employee and eligibility is granted without conditions, deviations, or waivers.

FSO Consultants

Fso Consultants
Everything About Diss Clearance 14

FSO Consultants offers the following consulting services to our clients and their Facility Security Officers (FSOs) tailored to their individual needs:

  • Initial Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) facility clearance sponsorship coordination and support
  • Submissions, maintenance and administration of the National Industrial Security System (NISS).
  • Initiate personal security clearances, reinvestigations, visit requests, and maintain the Personal Security Management Network (PSM Net) through the Defense Information System for Security (DISS).
  • Facilitate TS/SCI builds, investigations, and indoctrinations.
  • DISS Management / Training
  • 32 CFR part 117, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) guidance and expertise
  • Consultation on procedures outlined in NISPOM
  • Security Standard Practice Procedures (SPP) manual creation
  • DOD’s initial and annual refresher security training for cleared employees
  • Development and maintenance of an insider threat program
  • Supervise Acting Facility Security Officer on FSO Duties and Responsibilities
  • Prepare and support DCSA inspections and Security Risk Assessments (SVA).
  • RMF Packages / Authority to Operate (ATO) Navigation

How do I apply for security clearance?

A security clearance application must be initiated by a prospective employer (usually a defense contractor or government agency). Generally, during the application process for a new government job, the applicant must also complete Form SF-86 “Questionnaire for National Security Positions.” It will require filling the following information: name, address, residence, education, employment, family, friends, finances and foreign travel.

You may have personal reference interviews and an Enhanced Essay Interview (ESI) for top approval. A National Agency Check (NAC) looks at an applicant’s credit and criminal background. The government will also look into drug use and computer misuse. The Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO) will review the applications.

How long will it take to process my application for security clearance?

As of 2014, wait times for processing high security clearances can range from 99 to 730 days. There is an “interim security clearance” or “interim qualification” that can be issued for short periods of time to defense contractors. You can check your clearance in three ways:

  • Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS)
  • Security Investigation Index (SII)
  • Call DoD at 1-888-282-7682.

Need help with your security clearance?

If you’re trying to get a job but are having trouble with security clearance, you may want to get a free case review from a local attorney. Clear any queries related to your job and find out what steps to take next.

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